Buy jackfruit from the origin

Jackfruit is a fast-rising star as a key ingredient for meat alternatives and vegan or vegetarian food items such as vegan burgers, curries, pulled pork or fried snacks such as bitterballen.

The benefits of using jackfruit as a food ingredient

  • Taste
    Tender jackfruit is neutral and absorbs flavors very well, combined with the meaty texture and mouthfeel, it’s excellent for creating a good bite.
  • Health
    It’s a great source of fiber, starch, vitamins B6 and C and potassium. It is free of gluten, saturated fats and cholesterol.
  • Natural
    It doesn’t require heavy processing - no factories and processing involved like for soy or wheat based vegan food products.
  • Sustainable
    It is a tree that contributes to the local ecosystems without any genetic engineering while significantly less water, pesticides and energy is used compared with the cultivation and processing of soy, wheat or peas.
  • Social
    It is cultivated typically by smallholder farmers and not in large plantations.

Our Jackfruit Products

Overview of all jackfruit options

The jackfruit is harvested tender or green. The product can be cut in cubes, chunks, stripes and shreds. We have 4 packaging format options: Frozen (IQF), Cans, Glass jars and Pouches. We can offer different packaging sizes per format, from retail to bulk format. Other factors to decide are the preferred flesh colour and type of certification. Find below an overview of the available options.

Jackfruit Chunks in Vacuum Pouch
Ideal for food manufacturers or home-made applications together with a spice mix.
Banana Blossom Quarters in Glass Jar
Ideal for fish or tuna alternatives as the banana blossom perfectly represents the shape of fish meat.
Jackfruit Chunks in Tin Can
The brine will keep the chunks soft which is ideal for curries or ready-to-eat formats.
Jackfruit Shreds in Tin Can
The brine will keep the shreds soft which is ideal for minced meat, burgers, spreads or sauces.
Jackfruit Shreds in Vacuum Pouch
Ideal for food manufacturers that look at vegan applications for chicken or spreads or easy to season formats.
Frozen Jackfruit Chunks
100% natural product, no additives.Treat it like meat, it will look, taste, and feel like meat.
Jackfruit Chunks in Glass Jar
Ideal to present jackfruit as a novel ingredient for home-made uses and vegan or vegetarian applications.
Brown Jackfruit Shreds in Retort Pouch
Ideal for food manufactures for darker and meaty applications like minced-meat, burgers or meatballs.
Jackfruit Seed Flour in Pouch
Ideal for bakery applications or to bring proteins into your jackfruit product.
Jackfruit Shreds in Glass Jar
Ideal to present jackfruit to new users as a novel ingredient for home-made uses and vegan or vegetarian applications.
Jackfruit Flour in Pouch
Ideal for bakery applications or to bring jackfruit into your spreads, soups or sauces.
Frozen Jackfruit Stripes
100% natural product, no additives. Ideal for making any ‘pulled’ variety, meaty, fibery, easy to season.
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