We are a Jackfruit sourcing company

Buy your jackfruit here - directly from the source

We purchase jackfruit from local producers in bulk at origin at the most affordable price. We have been involved in jackfruit research since 2009 and exports since 2015. We know our jackfruit and we are here to help you!

Jackfruit Categories

Jackfruit Categories

Unprocessed tender jackfruit

Highest Quality

All our trusted suppliers fulfill European quality standards for food safety (ISO22000; FSSC22000; BRC) and meet our high product quality standards. We can explain to you the details about quality standards for jackfruit.

Affordable Price

Over the last 5 years, we have carefully selected our suppliers across several countries. We source our jackfruit from India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand with partners that are farmers themselves or work directly with jackfruit growers already for many years. This helps us to build a reliable, efficient and affordable supply chain for you.

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Jackfruit Categories

Jackfruit Products

Jackfruit pieces for every type of usage

Frozen Jackfruit Chunks
100% natural product, no additives.Treat it like meat, it will look, taste, and feel like meat.
Frozen Jackfruit Stripes
100% natural product, no additives. Ideal for making any ‘pulled’ variety, meaty, fibery, easy to season.
Jackfruit Chunks in Tin Can
The brine will keep the chunks soft which is ideal for curries or ready-to-eat formats.
Jackfruit Shreds in Tin Can
The brine will keep the shreds soft which is ideal for minced meat, burgers, spreads or sauces.
Jackfruit Chunks in Glass Jar
Ideal to present jackfruit as a novel ingredient for home-made uses and vegan or vegetarian applications.
Jackfruit Shreds in Glass Jar
Ideal to present jackfruit to new users as a novel ingredient for home-made uses and vegan or vegetarian applications.
Jackfruit Chunks in Vacuum Pouch
Ideal for food manufacturers or home-made applications together with a spice mix.
Jackfruit Shreds in Vacuum Pouch
Ideal for food manufacturers that look at vegan applications for chicken or spreads or easy to season formats.
Brown Jackfruit Shreds in Retort Pouch
Ideal for food manufactures for darker and meaty applications like minced-meat, burgers or meatballs.
Banana Blossom Quarters in Glass Jar
Ideal for fish or tuna alternatives as the banana blossom perfectly represents the shape of fish meat.
Jackfruit Seed Flour in Pouch
Ideal for bakery applications or to bring proteins into your jackfruit product.
Jackfruit Flour in Pouch
Ideal for bakery applications or to bring jackfruit into your spreads, soups or sauces.
Jackfruit Origins

Straight from local producers

Did you know that jackfruit originates from the Western Ghats mountain range in India? Now jackfruit is grown across the humid tropics and re-discovered as an ideal ingredient for various vegan dishes and meat alternatives. Do you have a preference for a specific origin? Please read more about the origins we source our jackfruit from.

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